Confronting LGBTQ+ discrimination /

Hurt, Avery Elizabeth,

Confronting LGBTQ+ discrimination / Avery Elizabeth Hurt. - First edition. - pages cm. - Speak up! Confronting discrimination in your daily life .

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction: two steps forward -- Discrimination: the good, the bad, and the illegal -- It's not just them -- Discrimination happens -- Changing your school -- Changing the world -- The future.

9781538381748 (library bound) 9781538381724 (pbk.) 9781538381731 (6 pack)


Homophobia--United States--Juvenile literature.
Sexual minorities--Civil rights--United States--Juvenile literature.
Discrimination--United States--Juvenile literature.

HQ76.45.U5 / H87 2018


Stonewall National Library & Archives
1300 East Sunrise Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304